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On Halloween Day, Saturday, October 31, The Discovery Center will be hosting a special Halloween Drive-Thru Trick-or-Treat from 3PM – 5PM. Children and parents are invited to come in costume but remain in their cars as they drive thru our decorated Story Garden while tricks and treats are distributed. There will be many surprises along the way and special prizes will be given to the best decorated cars. Admission is free but donations are gratefully accepted.

As always, safety is our top priority so we ask that you remain in your car at all times. Our volunteers and staff will be masked for your safety.

This event is generously sponsored by Weis Markets, Muench Orthodontics, F.E. Jones Construction and Coughlin and Gerhart. Thank you!

Thank you to our contributers: Sentry Alarms, Russell Farms, Weis Markets, Broome County Dental Association, Binghamton Devils, Freihofers, Broome County and the Four County Library System.

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Monday – Friday: 10AM – 3PM
Saturday: 10AM – 5PM
Sunday: 12PM – 5PM
1st & 3rd Fridays: 4PM – 7PM

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The Story Garden is open every day from dawn to dusk April 15 – November 1.


60 Morgan Road
Binghamton, NY 13903

Phone: 607-773-8661
Fax: 607-773-8019

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