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Indulge in a feast for the eyes at the “Scoops of Summer” Art Show, hosted by The Discovery Center! This vibrant exhibition features an array of delightful artwork created by the campers of St. Anthony’s TLC Summer Camp. Dive into the spirit of the season with pieces that capture the essence of summer and the sweet joys of ice cream. Bring your family and friends to enjoy a night filled with colorful, fun, and imaginative art that celebrates all things sunny and sweet!
Enjoy free admission to The Discovery Center from 4-7PM on Friday, August 2 thanks to BAE Systems.

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Monday – Friday: 10AM – 3PM
Saturday: 10AM – 5PM
Sunday: 12PM – 5PM
1st & 3rd Fridays: 4PM – 7PM

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The Story Garden is open everyday from dawn to dusk.


60 Morgan Road
Binghamton, NY 13903

Phone: 607-773-8661
Fax: 607-773-8019

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